Wednesday, 18 May 2011

US Government Now Funds Video Games. If They Are "ART"

"We'll continue to support tv and radio," explains Alice Myatt, Director of Media Arts at the NEA, "but they are also going to support content developed for the world wide web, for theatrical release, for mobile rings, content to be distributed by satellite, and even content for game platforms."

Attention online developers: the National Endowment for the Arts has released new guidelines for funding, and grants are now available for interactive digital games. The NEA's Arts in Media rules replace the agency's older Arts in Radio and Tv rules, and the new ones are far more expansive when it comes to categories for funding.

How much government largesse are they speaking about here? NEA grants come in all financial shapes and sizes. They usually range from $10,000 through $200,000, "based on the platform and the complexity and scope of the project."
To be thought about

Does this mean that they can expect games like Brink and L.A. Noire to suddenly show up in NEA grant announcements? As is often the case with these kind of opportunities, there's strings attached. In this case, they appear reasonable, but they definitely complicate the application technique.

So they called up the NEA Media Arts staffer Mary Smith to ask what appeared like a essential query. How does the NEA define "works of art"? Turns out, the agency doesn't. "We usually leave that up to our panels," Smith explained "Peer advisory panels evaluate the project."

The bottom line is that grants are available to support the development, production, and national distribution of media projects "about the arts" and "media projects that can be thought about works of art" (NEA's italics).

And who will constitute these panels? "We don't know yet because they must see who applies," they said. "Then we'll see what kind of expertise we'll need."

Thus, the query of whether a given proposed gambling project adequately discusses or constitutes art will be answered by those whom the NEA picks to tackle the issue. (They assume Roger Ebert won't be asked to participate.)
High standards

Creation. Artistic endeavors that meet "the highest standards of excellence across a diverse spectrum of artistic disciplines and geographic locations." This might be a request for money for a design competition or for a series of design workshops.

The rules are not as vague as they sound, though. The NEA does need the proposal to demonstrate "artistic excellence," defined as the "quality and artistic significance of the project." And agency stresses outcomes that it looks for in its grants.

Engagement. These are projects that promote some art form. Among the listed possibilities are those "that extend the arts to underserved populations those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability."

Learning. Projects that encourage professional development among artists.

They can see a variety of ways that an aspiring game developer could fit in to these themes. In case you require to try to get in on this chance, keep in mind that you have got got to be (or be sponsored by) a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(six). The NEA will soon hold webinars to further describe the new guidelines. They'll stream on June 15, July 13, and August ten.

Liveability. These include artistic activities "that are intended to foster community interaction in public spaces" and "cultural sustainability activities that contribute to community identity and sense of place."

The application deadline date is September one. "But ," Myatt adds, "don't wait until the eleventh hour. if you have seldom applied to the NEA before."


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